Soilful establishes vegetable gardens with companies

Become a local cell for ecological-regenerative agriculture and supply your employees with healthy vegetables – on site!

Not just for your employees to know where their vegetables are grown...

The garden is also used as a space for work, community and recreation (company celebrations, working outside, co-working). This benefits your employees and raises your attractiveness as an employer (employer branding).

How your food is grown
does matter

Food is the basis of life; also agriculture is a living environment at the same time. Industrial agriculture is responsible for a major part of damaging emmissions into air and soil. That means the loss of natural living environments and biodiversity. Contrary to popular belief, it's not even remarkably productive.

Therefore we use the market gardening concept

Market gardening is a highly productive method, substancially enhancing fertility and CO2 bound in the soil – totally without fertilizers and pesticides. Meanwhile, soil organisms increase and biodiversity is regenerated. Let's show in a small scale, how agriculture can be done!

• How it works •

1. Preliminary study

In a preliminary study we evaluate feasibility, cost and impact for you.

2. Planning

Together we plan an individual vegetable garden that represents your company and fulfills its requirements.

3. Financing

The financing consists of a monthly leasing fee for the garden and the cost for the vegetable boxes payed by the employees.

4. Operation

We take care of the equipment, organization and operation of the garden.

5. Harvest

Your employees enjoy their weekly vegetable boxes 6 to 8 months during the year. There's a space growing for a new working and company culture, right around the corner.

• That's Soilful •


Healthy vegetables, weekly – organic, directly from the field, free from pesticides


Regional, small-scale, seasonal, work and production around the corner


Sovereignty about how our food is produced and distributed


Revives the home for microorganisms, insects and birds


Independent of heavy machinery, chemicals, long supply chains and external distribution

• Partners •

• Team

Stefan Faatz-Ferstl


Tatjana Tupy



Nikolaos Avramidis




